Angel Aura (Opal Aura) is Clear Quartz bonded with Platinum and Silver. It cleanses the aura and facilitates deeper meditation. This peaceful stone enhances communication with Angels, Spirit Guides, and other Teachers, clears negativity, and gently raises depleted energy levels. It replaces negative energy with loving, positive vibrations.
Aqua Aura is Clear Quartz bonded with Gold. It heals and cleanses the aura, releases stress, activates the chakras, and encourages heart-centered communication. It also deepens spiritual attunement and protects against psychic attack.
Sunshine Aura is Clear Quartz bonded with Gold and Iron Oxide. Tangerine Aura, strongly connected to the Sacral chakra, removes blockages and allows creative energies to flow freely. It helps overcome self-esteem issues, grounds spiritual vision, and manifests it into daily life. Associated Chakras: Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus.
Tanzine Aura (Indigo Aura) is Clear Quartz bonded with Gold, Indium, and Niobium. Similar in energy to Tanzanite, it connects with higher chakras, aids in psychic communication, and is ideal for intuitives, light workers, mediums, channelers, readers, and shamans. It facilitates communication with the spirit world and other-worldly beings. Associated Chakras: Throat, Third Eye, Crown, and Higher Crown.
Titanium Aura (Rainbow Aura) is Clear Quartz bonded with Titanium. It energizes the entire chakra system and the physical body, stimulates the auric field and meridians, and infuses the aura with the rainbow spectrum of light. It increases energy, vitality, mental awareness, and helps you feel grounded, centered, and energized simultaneously.